Its chess. Nuff said

User Rating: 8.8 | Kasparov Chessmate MOBI
Reviewing phone: Nokia 3200

This is an easy game to review, everyone knows the game of chess so its just a simple matter of saying what they did wrong with the game, but 1st i will start with the good.


* Nice graphics for a mobile phone. Knights look like knights, castles look like casltes..ect & there also a pic of Kasperov himself looking very serious on the menu screen (bonus!)

*Auto saving feature

* Smart & aggressive computer AI. I guess its not a surprise, i mean its a computer for goodness sake, but on the hardest level i doubt anyone would win unless you really thought about each move & adopted a solid strategy.

* 6 difficulty levels

* Stats keeping. It records how many your win/ loose. Also you start with 1200 points & you can loose or gain points depending on how many you win/looses you have . This simple option really boosts the longevity of the game!


* Super smart AI. While this is also a pro, sometimes you wish it wasn’t so smart. Chess is about hiding your true intentions, making a move to distract your opponent & then move in for the kill where they were looking. There none of this here because the AI calculates each move thoroughly & knows what your going to do. Luckily the intensity of smartness is lessened on easier difficulty levels

*zzzzz ops, sorry i feel asleep while waiting for the AI to move. Each move take the AI about 1 real minute & while this is right for a human opponent, it totally rules out a quick game. Even so i would imagine people who like chess to be relatively patient people anyway, so this might not be a problem for most.


Despite its shortcomings, Kasperov chess is still a good chess game for your mobile phone, if not the best. If you like chess, download it !