Kane and lynch is a short 3rd person shooter with a great story.

User Rating: 7 | Kane & Lynch: Dead Men PS3
Story: You play as a mercenary who just got out of prison ( escaped from death row. you stole some money and the people want it back or they are gonna kill your family)

Missions: There are 15 missions in the game. everything from breaking out of jail to hijacking a plane.

Controls:PS3 sixaxis.

Features:Awesome story,huge gun selection,fun online.

A.I.: very smart. they know how to kill you and learn what you do.

Loading Times: 25 seconds at the most. but there is part of the story going on while the game loads.

Graphics: Great graphics and detailed enviroments. All vehicles looks realistic and are not blocky at all.Enviroments look realistic and city are detailed down to the little bushes.

Audio: good voice acting and ambient sounds. Voice acting is great and is acted out nicley. sounds just like the charcter you think it would. They say the "F" word every sentence tho. kind of annoying.

Multiplayer: hard to find people to actually play with but its ok when you do. you pretty much kill people in a team deathmatch style gameplay.

Requirements: PS3,xbox 360,PC

The Good: A amazing story that keeps you wnting to play the game,good audio

The Bad: graphics are not as good as you would think

The Ugly: Kane And Lynch

Replay Ability: 2 endings. they are both pretty much the same.

The Bottom Line: a very overhyped shooter with a great story and audio.