As much as I Iove shooters, this game annoys me to the point where it stops being fun.

User Rating: 6.5 | Kane & Lynch: Dead Men PS3
I'm usually one of the first people to forgive a game for its many flaws if the gameplay provides an experience of solid action and fun...but Kane & Lynch was a true test of my patience. Lets forget about the sloppy storytelling and the uninteresting characters for a moment and lets focus on the terrible gameplay mechanics. I intially had issues with having no life bar...but I eventually learned to live with that (especially after playing this and Army Of Two). What pisses me off is trying to get to your partner with the adrendaline needle and only being able to use it once in a certain amount of time. Unlike Army Of Two, you are never heavily armored but get attacked by the same hoards of enemies at once! The aiming on here is terrible and the computer AI for your partner isn't all that smart. Having a partner in general over complicates many areas of the game that should not be that difficult otherwise (i.e. The Helicopter fight). Combine all these things together and you have a frustrating experience that will have you feeling forced in order to finish!

My Breakdown:

What's Good:

- Graphics
- Weapon Variety

What's Not-So-Good:

- Bad story telling
- Cliched and boring characters

What's Bad:

- The Controls
- Using the d@mn adrendaline needle
- Very poor replay value
- The partner system. Eidos can learn a lot from Army Of Two on how to improve it!

In all, the only reason I gave Kane & Lynch as high of a score as I did is because I am a fan of shooters and it does deliver on that. The game just makes it hard to ignore or deal with everything else it does poorly.