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User Rating: 6 | Kane & Lynch: Dead Men PS3
With weird controls and an annoying partner this game sounds like it could be good... too bad. When I first started playing this I actually quite liked it, by the third level I was screaming at the TV! So those who have played it will surely know about the annoying take cover, the fact that you have to preety much run into the wall to take cover while standing up just fills me with rage! the number of times I've died due to this. The amount of enemies that are usually on screen at one time just totally annoys me, I'm preety much being killed all the time. All of the partners you will ever have will just get on your nerves, oh and why is it that when you have about a group of ten people and all of your enemies will always just shoot at you, why?

Anyway, thanks for reading and this has been a review on Kane and Lynch: Dead men for the Playstation 3.