Seriously, a game so broken, I can't finish the 2nd level.

User Rating: 1.5 | Kane & Lynch: Dead Men PC
I wish I could actually give a real review for the game. The game just doesn't work. I know there's a few lucky people out there that can play it on their PC, but the steps it takes to do so is ridiculous.

Upon loading the game, you see a menu, you sign into Games for Windows Live, and then it crashes. If you're lucky to proceed, then you get to jump into the game. Usually, it crashes around the middle of a mission and since this game has absolutely no checkpoints, you're just stuck replaying the same thing over and over until you can finally go to the second mission. Then it crashes. I haven't been able to finish this mission. It crashes randomly every time. Most people can't finish mission 3. I'm dreading this...

The graphics and such aren't bad. There really is a lot of profanity. But I could forgive all of this if the game would just load and work for more than 3 minutes. It's not my computer; just take a quick look at Eidos' forums. No support for this game. They released it broken and do not care, since they have their cash. I wish I could give it something higher than what I gave it, but if you can't even play, no graphics or gameplay in the world would get anything higher.

Verdict: Skip, or play on PS3/360.