Like i said for the classification, this game is "hard to describe", but once you start playing your hooked.

User Rating: 7 | Kane & Lynch: Dead Men X360
I got this game when I played the demo and thought it was fun. I checked the reviews and Gamespot said that it wasn't good. I went to Gamestop and saw that it was only 12 bucks so i picked it up almost a year ago and wasn't disappointed. This game is about a "Retired' mercenary (Kane) and a Psychopath(Lynch) who is said to have killed his wife in cold blood. The game gives very little information on why Lynch did any of that so i guess he is just crazy. The, about 8 hour campaign, has you playing as Kane who just escaped from death row with help from a mysterious prisoner named Lynch. You then find out that Lynch is your watchdog and you need to give all the money that Kane stole back to his former mercenary group called The7. Basically, the **** hits the fan, you want revenge, and Lynch helps you do it for a reason no one may never find out. Let me get this out of the way, the graphics suck, pure and simple. I've seen PS2 games have better graphics then this one. Actually though, the story is great if you use your imagination a little because the game doesn't give you much to go for except Kane's daughter Jenny who hates him for abandoning their family. I actually got emotionally attached to Kane because his life was consisted of working for one of the most infamous mercenary groups in the world behind his family's back, but then the family finds out when they see Kane off to deathrow. I feel for this dude. Another thing I like about this game is that when you are "down but not out" the whole screen goes white and you here flashbacks of Kane's life through his mind. They can get pretty intense sometimes too, for example right before you finally die you hear a voice say "You always **** up Kane, always!". Now to the multiplayer, the co-op isn't online so you have to rely on the one gametype they have which is Fragile alliance. I LOVE this gametype because it's unique and not your normal deathmatch you see in other games. Your a group of mercs sent to do heists from the typical bank heist to robbing coke in a mansion. Whoever has the most money wins. The catch is that at anytime someone on your team can go traitor and kill you to take your money. The traitor then has a big orange marker that basically says "Come and **** me up **** if that is bad enough anyone gets an instant 100,000 dollar reward for killing you. The trick in this game is to know the right time to break the alliance. this gametype is not found anywhere else and is enough because each match is different. If you die then you respawn as a cop and has to stop the alliance at all costs. Overall, if your looking for something cheap or at least something to entertain you for the weekend then this is a must buy or rent for TPS fans and people who want something new.