Awesome storyline, unique graphics, fun shooter, great replayability, Tarantino style, funny, gruesome, raw style.

User Rating: 10 | Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days PC
Just as a heads up, I don't normally write review or ever for that matter unless something annoys me or enlightens me.

I really enjoyed this game. Despite their psychotic behavior I still like them. Their personalities are unique and engaging. I played the first Kane and Lynch game 3 times through. Then I played Kane and Lynch 2 4 times through. I love this game for the characters, storyline, and push-the-envelope style. Most movies and games don't ever push the envelope anymore. A recent movie that I really enjoyed was Rampage. Although it was directed by Uwe Boll(laughing stock of Hollywood for movies such as Blood Rayne), this movie really stepped it up and was well directed, good choice of actors(the main character reminds me of Christian Slater), and you couldn't predict what would happen. That's why I liked Kane and Lynch I really love Kanes' character and the voice.

This game evoked an emotion that I rarely feel in most games: society as a whole would hate and loathe characters such as these in real life, however, I grew to like them even though they kill innocent people. I hate to like them but I do. I felt excited whenever I played this game. It's an adrenaline rush. It feels so good to be the bad guy sometimes, just like the movie No Country for Old Men.

I am definitely a huge fan of the Kane and Lynch series and will continue to be so. I just hope they don't screw up the movie.

The sound was awesome. I have a 7.1 Mirage OMD system with 18" Elemental Designs subwoofer and Integra processor and Emotiva amps. The sound rocked in this game especially during the helicopter scene when using the big machine gun. It was an epic scene. The characters are interesting and colorful.

The graphics are definitely unique, engaging, and a raw movie style you see in Quentin Tarantino films.

The game has awesome shooter sequences that start and end well. Very satisfying and enjoyable.

I believe this game deserves a 10 because it is very difficult to have the audience love characters that are so evil. I like games that are unique, original and can change the way you think or feel about the world. Most games have cheesy acting or storylines(like metal gear solid), that really don't leave you walking away with a different outlook on life.

Also for people who complained that they curse too much, you obviously have not met any mercenaries because if you did you'd know they are about on par with how they talk. I work for a CPA firm and we specialize in defense contracting and Private Military Corporations(Mercenary corporations). I've gone pub crawling with these guys and they curse A LOT. Its very normal to hear that military guys curse a lot so to complain about that is kind of ridiculous. There's a reason why they have saying "swear like a sailor."

Quite a few of the mercenaries played this game and enjoyed it. I often heard an 8 or 9 out of 10 from them.