Too short of a game, not enough content to keep your attention for very long.

User Rating: 6.5 | Justice League Heroes XBOX
The main thing about this title is that it needs a lot more content and polish to elevated up from meh to much better.

If you compare it to X-men Legends II - this was a much better title by the same company and shows they could have done a better job.

Summary: It should be 19.99 at most places so that qualifies as an impulse buy. At that price point it helps a lot for the bang for buck value. In the end its a short satisfying mix of cooperative play, combination of characters and Hero brawler that keeps this one interesting to pick up again from time to time.

Pros: You get to see your favorite DC heroes in action and grow their selected powers as the story progresses.

Has some nice rpg elements as you can place power ups that you pick up along the way to different heroes ability slots. Unlockable heroes such as Hawkgirl and Huntress etc.

Most maps are not too long and not too short.

Hero path finding is not bad, when they do get stuck if you move far enough away they will teleport to your location.

Limited save locations - if are interrupted and have to stop - hope your pause and the power holds until you get to your next save spot. : (

Game is way way too short! With character unlocks it would have offered plenty of opportunity to have more story involved.

Unlockable characters can only be used in certain levels that offer hero selection but in fairness this makes sense with the video animation.

Would have been great to have the voice cast of Justice League animation.

Flying though a hallway? Nope, you hit every dang arch they so carefully placed in every hallway every 15 feet. Have to get to one of the larger rooms to make flying of any use.