X-Men Legends wannabe, not too great.

User Rating: 6.5 | Justice League Heroes PS2
Gameplay: a bit boring. special attacks are okay, but there is no targeting system, like in XML, and ur attacks can easily just be wasted on thin air many times. regular attacks dont have much combos, all chars are basically the same in those attacks, so very boring. Teen Titans has much more options available and is more fun, IMHO. there are some customization options when leveling here, but not too much, not near as in depth as XML. the game also goes a little slow for my taste, especially when flying. speaking of, "flying" is only hovering a few feet off the ground, not very impressive. Graphics: outdated. not as bad as like Animal Crossing, but the graphics could have been alot better. the one great thing going for it in this game is the destructable environments. it is pretty fun just to smach cars or fire hydrants and watch the water spurt out. Sound: not great. voice acting in cutscenes is good, but not many sound effects outside of that, and i personally thought the soundtrack was pretty slow

Value: glad i used my one free game rental per month blockbuster coupon to rent this first, cuz i'm sure i wont buy it. not many unlockables, options or modes to pique replay interest. I'd recommend Teen Titans or X-Men Legends 2 over this game any day.