'JLH: The Flash' is a fun game. but too short and even little disappointing

User Rating: 7.5 | Justice League Heroes: The Flash GBA
as i already said 'JLH: The Flash' is a fun game, but too short and even little disappointing.
The main character and the only character you can play is the superhero called The Flash, the fastest man alive and a member of The Justice League, a team of famous superheroes.
Flash most save the earth from an aliens/robots invasion, and getting help from the other Justice League members: Superman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter and later Green Arrow and Black Canary.
First of all, why the other main members of the league (like Batman, Green Lantren and Zattana) aren't here? they missed a lot (Batman saying some words in the cuts, but that's all).
There isn't realy a touch of the Justice League in it, it's just missions and missions and missions, without any special story behind it.
The Sound is pretty fine, and the Graphics is good. yes it is, the characters and backgrounds pretty nice, what's making the gamplay more comfrotable. The gamplay itself is comfrotable and easy, but not much, that's because the ennemis in the game, sometimes the ennemis and the bosses are realy nurving, especialy Circe!