Great Graphics, great ideas and huge possibility don't make up for weak gameplay, story and mechanics...Novelty

User Rating: 6.5 | Just Cause 2 PC
Ok so the game looks great and runs great, that much is evident as soon as you start to play it. It also has many many fantastic ideas, the shear size of the area you can explore, the vehicles, the grappling hook, stunts etc etc

Unfortunately nothing is really executed that well. The driving is pretty bad, the steering has no cohesion and that is a bad thing when a lot of the time you will want to get about using a car. The shooting uses an auto-aim system which kinda removes any possible pleasure you could get from it. I'm not a console gamer and I don't like being treated like one. I have a mouse and a keyboard so I'll aim for myself please.

The gameplay focuses on destruction which is entertaining for all of 10 minutes. Until you realise no location has any depth whatsoever and you are just making big blocks explode and auto-aim shooting the minions at the same time in an extremely repetitive and tedious manner.

The storyline leaves a lot to be desired and is not really worth even talking about.

I didn't completely dislike this game I thought it had a lot of potential and many things impressed me. The problem was the most important thing of all didn't impress me - Gameplay. It seemed like the developers felt that as long as they filled the game with so many things, so many novelties no one would notice the actual game itself. Yes it might be fun to set up some of the stunts and do crazy things for a while but it gets old very quickly and the multitude of other flaws this game has start becoming very very obvious.