A gorgeous island filled with explosions and a guy with a parachute!

User Rating: 9 | Just Cause 2 X360
You may have seen a blast of excitement in the trailers and gameplay clips of Just Cause 2. But even if you haven't seen them, if you haven't got this game, go and get this game. Just Cause 2 is a gorgeous open world game with explosions, a grappling hook, parachutes and much more to do and you will enjoy it no matter who you are.

Again, Just Cause 2 looks amazing. The lighting effects and the draw distance graphics are a joy to look at. The environments that you come across may be overused in games, but you've never seen an island that looks this good. The whole point of the game is that you play as Rico Rodriguez following from the first game. He travels to the island of Panau to search for a former American member of Rico's agency called "The Agency". It all comes together and the story is surprisingly good. Then there's the audio in this game. The voice-acting is humourous but the music and the cut scenes are repetitive and the game suffers for it, unless you skip the cut scenes in which case, you won't know the mission.

Just Cause 2 is all about explosions. The bigger the explosion, the more points you earn which will lead you to unlocking story missions, faction missions and items to buy at The Black Market. Also, what is useful is that you are also rewarded with money along with chaos to give you a lift of fun with more weapons. Although not all of the fun comes from the explosions and the weapons. Rico also carries a grappling hook and a parachute with him, which means there are even more fun things to do. Taking into a count, ever wanted to skydive into a gap in the middle of two roads on a bridge? Do it. Ever wanted to attach cars to objects to watch crashes and stunts? The experience is yours.

Although Just Cause 2 isn't perfect and has drawbacks like unsatisfactory audio and bad checkpoints, Just Cause 2 is still an unforgettable experience with rewarding gameplay and awesome game mechanics. I'm going to give it a 9/10. It's the best I can give it as an amazing experience.

+ Gorgeous island
+ Explosions!
+ Lots to do
- Disappointing audio