Anime lovers dream, great if you dont mind the language...

User Rating: 8.4 | Jump Superstars DS
Well i just imported a copy of this and i had my doubts, but Jump! Superstars is great. Graphics are good and fighting is like Super Smash Bros, which is why i bought it. If you are to buy this game, you need a translation guide (one is on, otherwise chances you will enjoy this game are pretty slim. If you have played SSB, than you know what you will be in for, an addicting fighter that will never get old. However a new system has been introduced. The koma system is on the bottom screen, where you can use battle, suppot or help koma to battle your way through a normal battle or an J-adventure mode battle. Tne battle koma is who you play as, support koma characters come out for a brief second and usually attack, and help koma usually add an attirbute to your character. You can unlock more battle and support komas buy putting together blank komas with help komas to complete the picture. That system works out well, nothing great but nothing horrible. The language does get in the way of unlocking characters though, seeing that only a bit of the picture is open and it reveals words or a shadowed picture that may help you unlock characters. Now on to the gameplaying. With single pak multi-player you cant do much, it randomly makes a koma deck and gives it to each character, meaning that in order for multi-player to really work out you need friends that like the game and friends that will buy the game. Next the game offers a decently lengthed adventure mode where you travel to each Shonen jump characters world and fight them. The plot is unknown to me though, again the language is a downside but ive heard that the villian from DR.SLUMP has done somehting bad to the Jump worlds, and you must set things staright. You unlock blank pannels by completing a set of missions set for each level, again would be a problem if you didnt have a translation guide. While the major downside of the game is the language, the game has other downsides, there is a lack of game modes and you can only have a time limit of 90 minutes, you cant even turn off the time limit, the sound also gets pretty repitive. This game was in english this rating would probably have gotten a 9 but its in japanese so it didnt. This is also a fighting game without much of a story so you dont even really need the language, but because of the koma unlocking system this game more than other fighting games is harder to play in japanese. With great gameplay similar to SSB and graphics to match its gameplay Jump! SuperStars is a great game that had a lot of fun to offer, but the language and limited game modes take a notch off this game. If you want this game and are waiting for it to come out in america better open up an importing website cause it aint coming to america. A price is also a downside, seeing that the game is not worth the even 60$ to import.

If you see a typo guess what it is, im to lazy to make changes...