Its the substitute of a no-show for the ds (smash bros), and its even better.

User Rating: 9.5 | Jump Superstars DS
This games is awesom. Most of the characaters in the game would never be in a figthing game even if it was in your wildest dreams. Its the substitute of a no-show for the ds (smash bros), and its even better. Multiplayer, download play, character trading, this game has got it all, ALL !!!!!!!
This game will probably not make it to the us cause of the diference in culture, you cant expect little kids who watched Onepice on tv, to see a drawing of the original manga where Luffi, the anime's main character is covered in blood, or Naruto for that matter. That beeing said, this game deserves your atention since it has something for almost every fan of every "genera".
If you have a way to import or get the game, do it !!, it's worth the husle.