you would expect more...

User Rating: 6.5 | Juiced PS2
this game should have been better. the cars and tracks are cool but, every thing else is o.k

the good:
cars are cool
tracks are cool [but thats it]

the bad:
you have to be really good to have a succsesful career
the AI drivers are impossibe to beat, you can have the fastest car in the game and the AI can have the slowest, but they will still win!
you can't use the custom cars you can make on multiplayer

there is one good thing on career mode though, unlike most racing games for the ps2, you can have your teamates race for you. for example: if you keep losing and losing the same races, you can have one of your drivers race. unfortunatly, at the start of the game, most of the time you put in a substute driver in the race, the will lose. you just have to put him in more races so can get more experince.

still, this isn't really the best racing game. if you are thinking on buying this game, rent it first. to me, it was a waste of 50 bucks.