Did any reviewer even play the game?

User Rating: 8.1 | Juiced PS2
The case of "Juiced "is a mystery to me. The whole game-media world seems to be convinced that its not a good game, which ought to mean that its pretty much terrible considering how much reviewrs hype games in general.

Then theres this one swedish magazine who gave it 9 out of 10, and proclaimed it to be one of the best online games of 2005. With that information, I took a gamble and bought the game since I really wanted a good driving game on the PS2 and had found out that GT4 wasnt gonna fill that empty space.

So after having spent some 10+ hours with the game, im asking myself if people who reviewed it even tried it out at all. This is by far the most fun to drive-racing game Ive played on the PS2. And thats why I would purchase a racing game, for the FUN of driving, not because of a photo-mode or infinite attention to detail concerning trimming of the cars. And its not the super-unrealistic Mario Kart-sense of fun, the cars have a pretty good feel to them.

GT4 claims itself to be "the real driving simulator", but owning a car i am very much in doubt of that.
This is simply because driving my 20 year old Corolla is more fun than driving any of the cars in GT4.

I guess you can find most other info about this game in the various reviews out there, Juiced does have some other neat features, but I am giving you the most important information of all: it has a good driving-feel to it and the cars are fun to drive.