An underrated but unrevolutionary racer.

User Rating: 7.5 | Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights X360
Juiced 2 has the cars. Juiced 2 has the drifts. Juiced 2 has oh so bad voice acting.

Juiced as you will know is a racing game and all racing games need cars. There's quite a few in the game too which is a good start. Add to that the amazing upgrade system and Juiced is trailing only Forza for customisation and variety. An excellent thing that Juiced does is differentiate between cars; no two cars act the same. Graphics are good, not the best on the console but not bad either. Music is awesome with some good tunes from TC and Adam Freeland to get you in the mood for racing or drifting. Oh yeah, the drifting is immense, it's what separates this from the crowd.

Juiced 2 is ruined by some annoying characters and voice acting. Out of all the games I have played, the characters on here have got to be the most annoying, I actually hated my own character too, even though he never speaks. Another very annoying feature of Juiced is some seriously flawed AI. If I just did the most amazing lap I have ever done on a track then the AI will be right beside me all the way round. If I crash for 5 seconds and then get back into the race I will be first within 5-7 seconds, no matter how far ahead the opposition is. It's almost as if there's no point in playing sometimes.

If you want a good racing game with customisation aplenty first check out Forza, then buy this. Not the best racer on the platform by a long shot but a reasonably fun game to play overall.