Incredible game, incredible experience. If you like alternative games thats the game for you.

User Rating: 9 | Journey PS3
This Game is simply amazing. The graphics are nuts and the sounds and music are so much beautiful. You will not kill any enemy on this game, but you are going on a hard and arduous journey to the top of a mountain. You find other players during your journey and you will help one each other by creating energy. Sometimes you will find experienced players that will show you some hidden goods. You will love the companion even if the other player is a completely "noob", because the vastness of the locations will make you feel alone and isolated, and a company will make you feel like a team. Between all the indie/alternative games in the market today, this is by far the best of them. This game will make you feel sensations that you have never expected that a video-game could bring. Best to be played alone and in a quiet place, otherwise you may not be able to immerse yourself in the journey. The only thing I would make different is the duration of it. It took me around three hours to finish the game the first time. I played it all in one single round, couldn't stop...
Anyway, you will play it a lot until you get enough of it...
I think I have already done the complete journey around ten times. Maybe just now I had enough.