Ever wish the relaxing part of games would stretch longer? Take that relaxing part, and call it Journey!

User Rating: 8 | Journey PS3
I have been through a metric ton of games since I was a kid. I went through the 80's, 90's, and the modern era of gaming to where now gaming is now all of a sudden about photo realistic competitive multiplayer online!! Prestige niiooww!! You dun like this crap?? Fuuk yuuuuu!!

I gotta say today's gaming industry has lost its touch.. an action game here and there is welcome.. when done right. But rarely do we ever see or understand a game that makes us double take, re-think, and re-imagine what makes us emotionally attached to games.

I will admit I hadn't heard of Journey until I checked Gamespot's game of the Year award, and needless to say I had to check out their pick! What made this game sway so many critics? What made them decide this over major platformers? What was it about this specific title that fulfilled the criteria more so than the other games released last year?

First off.. last year we had quite a plethora of disapointments,, Mass Effect 3? Far Cry 3? CoD BO 2? Nothing against the CoD fans.. but if this game ever gets game of the year, then we have truly reached a pinnacle in human retardation. There is so much more to a game than just FPSing your competitive skills online with a Monster flowing in your veins.

Journey accomplishes this by merely saying "hey.. I'm here to relax you.. take me for a ride?" .. I beg anyone claiming to be a gamer to take this statement in your mind and just let it take you over.

Gameplay: 9.0

If you've ever had something that has made you feel momentum or a sense of constant forward movement, this game in a very serene way delivers that. Don't even let button mashing enter your mind because this game plays just about as smooth as melted butter.. The exception comes when you are trying to search for the extras within each stage. Some can be a bit tedious so be forwarned

Control: 9.0

The controls are smooth enough. There really isn't much complicated about this game control wise aside than we havn't seen anything different. Am I complaining about this? Not exactly.. I just don't find it to be anything innovative. It works exactly how it should and that is that..

Graphics: 8.0

What's this? The GOTY isn't graphically enhanced??? well... no.. it isn't. I mean some aspects are visually relaxing, but other than that I wouldn't rank this game visually above other titles released this year because quite simply, other games did visuals much better.

Replayability: 7.0

Honestly I don't see many playing this game another time through. It is a work of art and should be experienced by everyone, however... I cannot honestly give this game an interesting enough title to pick up a controller and replay everything you just did.. in comparison to what we have seen this year, do we seriously call this PSN title game of the year?


To be fair this game detaches and plays with our emotions.. that is something we have been missing in gaming for a long time! Does this deserve GOTY as the majority of the critics have stated in lieu of what is in front of us?

I honestly don't know how to answer that question.. and that is probably why Journey is where it is.. it's not a game we are used to. It plays with our emotions, and for the emotionally engaged, makes us cry at times..

For the asking price.. yes Journey definitely deserves the GOTY spot. We very rarely get a game as powerful as this, and if you don't have the means to play this game, then I sincerely hope you get a machine that will allow you this privelidge!