Manly tears were shed.

User Rating: 9.5 | Journey PS3
Journey isnt a game for everyone, that much I know. I wouldnt even categorize it as a game. In my point of view Journey is rather an interactive experience. Is gourgeous from the start to the end. It plays with the gamers emotions through simplistic gameplay mechanics (all you do is walk and ocasionally glide
through the masterfully crafted environments to reach higher/farther places). This didnt stop me from having one of the most meaningfull experiences in gaming I ever had the pleasure of being part of. The last time I ever felt so emotionally involved in a game was when I first played Shadow of the Colossus aka my favorite game of all time. I dont need to say Journey left a mark on me that probably will stuck with me for the rest of my life. One of the (really) rare games that could change the perspective of "games as art" debates.
The only "con" I can point about Journey is the really short longevity. I beat it in about 1 hour and 45 minutes, BUT having in mind what Journey was trying to accomplish by playing with companionship its understandable why the game is short. Is when its played in one setting with the same companion throughout the whole game that Journey is at its pike emotionaly. You'll feel you made a friend you dont even know. The ideal of companionship in Journey is what sets its various experiences apart. My experience with Journey wont be the same as yours, thats why I find idiotic hearing people say they'll "watch it on youtube"... Thats not experiencing Journey. Its definitely not experiencing any game, but "watching" journey should be considered a crime.
The Journey of your life is waiting for you.