
User Rating: 8 | Journey PS3

Journey is a very unique game. It only clocks in at about 2 hours, maybe less. There is absolutely no dialogue. You play with another person but you can't speak to them. But somehow it manages to tell and interesting tale all the same.

While I don't have undying love for this game as others (I certainly never felt like crying during any of the playthroughs), I still really enjoy the way this game plays out. You basically play a a nameless red cloaked..thing. You walk around, and the game manages to convey how to play without any hints or tutorials of any kind. You just kind of learn organically as you play through the game. I love when a game is able to be simple enough that anyone can pick it up without having to read 50 tutorials. The absolute best part of the game, and the reason to play it, is that another random player appears during your playthrough. And you can choose to ignore them, or you can play the entire game with them. Many of them will show you where the secrets are and how to improve your character, and it's almost a tangible friendship by the end of the story. Each time I did this, I felt an actual connection to another person, despite exchanging no words or seeing each other. The only way to communicate is to "beep" to them. That's all you have, and it works perfectly. There's no name calling, no one is a "n00b," all you can do it beep, which is surprisingly the correct decision in a game like this. I've never played a game like it, and the concept is still innovative and enjoyable to this day.

The story is open for interpretation, much like other games in this "genre" like Limbo or Inside. While I enjoyed it, I was never emotionally connected to it in any real way. I also want to note that you move *slow* in this game. Your character is slow, walking is slow, even falling is slow. I think I'm just less and less patient with games as I get older, but this annoyed me immensely throughout the game. It feels like the game is purposely making you move slow to make the game take longer. I understand I'm supposed to take in the surroundings, but they are mostly just desert sand with red ribbons floating around, so the visuals are not that impressive. However, despite all this, I loved the game because of the multiplayer aspect and that alone is worth giving this game an 8/10.