Just plain Fun!

User Rating: 8.5 | John Deere: Harvest in the Heartland DS
I got this game because I am a BIG fan of all the harvest Moon games and thought well it has to be some what like that? When I first started playing I thought the grapics were just ok and it took me a little while to figure this game out but once I got going there was no stopping. In this game you are a Farmer and you can raise Animals such as Cows,Pigs,Goats, Sheep and chickens. You also have land that you use to grow your crops and sell them for money. The cool thing about this game is that you can by John Deer tractors and things to help yoy take care of your land. Which makes it much easier then doing it by hand. I would say if you like Harvest Moon games give it try. You don't talk to many people and you can't get married and have a family but once you get going on your farm the game play is pretty good and it really is a fun little game. If you are usure rent it first but I say it was worth buy it!