All series of Harvest Moon owned this game

User Rating: 5.8 | John Deere: American Farmer PC
This would be another clone of Harvest Moon. But unfortunately, there is no Harvest Moon PC.

Gameplay 5/10
The greatest farming game, from Natsune, Harvest Moon, is far more better than American Farmer. Harvest Moon is based on virtual, fantasy farming, while American Farmer is based on modern, 3-D graphic farming game. A fantasy farming game, Harvest Moon, still own American Farmer, even though Harvest Moon is release on consoles.

Graphic 6/10
Alright, it's 3-D... Wait, there's a catch! There are bugs, and glitchy graphics. So skip this part =.=

Sound 5/10
Nothing to say

Value 3/10
Many can't install American Farmer, so its not worth it.