Jim Henson's The Muppets is a poorly made 2D platformer with bad control and unreasonable difficulty.

User Rating: 4 | Jim Henson's The Muppets GBC
The Muppets game for the Gameboy Color is a two dimensional action platforming game that has you searching for your lost friends as Kermit the Frog or Animal, after the other Muppets get lost in time after a time machine mishap. The concepts for the levels themselves are quite cool and you get to select any one of them from the very beginning of the game. There are 6 different time periods and three locations within each period which you must explore to find the Muppet friend hidden within. There are some very interesting choices of time periods such as: prehistoric times, Ancient Egypt, 1800s London, medieval times. Each level is fun to look at and there are appropriate enemies in each but unfortunately that is where all my praise for this game comes to an abrupt end. This is not a very fun game for a number of reasons. One is that the levels themselves require a lot of back tracking and that there is little indication of where to go or what to do within the confusing labyrinths. Secondly the enemies take a ton of damage and it's not so much that they are difficult to kill as they take so much time to kill. Also you can only attack enemies if you have the resources to do so. Animal throws drum sticks at his enemies but if you run out of drumsticks you can't do anything until you find more. Almost anything can kill you. Short drops often mean instant death. The enemies damage you when they are in close proximity but there is no indication that you are getting hurt aside from your health rapidly emptying out of your life bar. Finally the control is somewhat unresponsive and you move very sluggishly throughout the game. If the control had been better and there was a more reasonable progression of challenge this could have been a good game but as it is, it is just another poor license game.