Jet Force Gemini is a Master peice for the N64.

User Rating: 10 | Star Twins N64
Jet Force Gemini (JFG) is a master Peice of the N64. It has very good levels. It probebly has the best 3rd person action for the N64. The levels are simply amazing. It is a hard game though beacause there are so many enemies that kill you fast! But that makes it real fun! Jet Force Jemini has very good glitches (good glitches!) and cool charecters. You are in space for a long time.The main Characters name is Juno and his sisters name is Vela. There is a mascot or animal on your back named Lupus. And there is a good guy and a bad guy named Floyd. The last boss in JFG is very hard. Even the first levle is is hard because of all of the enemys. Well if you ever play JFG then you dont know what 3rd person fun is! And if you are a 3rd person game fan and you dont have JFG in your collection then your collection shall never be completed!