Fire Emblem (with lousier story) on the PSP!

User Rating: 7 | Jeanne d'Arc PSP
Level 5 blatantly copied the style of Fire Emblem in it's basic combat mechanic based around 3 element/damage types that counters each other consequently. Just think paper, rock. scissors.

It's hard to take the (intentionally) dark and heroic tale of a fantasized Jean 'd Arc story seriously when the English translator does a horrible job of conveying voice accents in the most moronic and comical way( i.e "I izz the frechman! Scar Bleu!") . You also need to see a high elf speaking with an over-exaggerated and horrifying High English "accent" to her furry lover to truly appreciate how retarded the English writer/producer of the game must be.

To top it off, lousy English voice acting didn't help with the game either, giving it that cheap, corny Anime dub feel. It's a shame since the overall game is pretty solid, but nothing special. It's probably the most user friendly turn base strategic rpg out there, there isn't a huge amount of depth, like in FF tactics or Disgea. There is nothing here that one has not yet seen already, and honestly, if you have the choice of picking the Japanese or English version, go with the Japanese version, otherwise be prepared to laugh and cry at an otherwise decent story denigrated by a retarded English translation/writing team.