It’s a great laugh, have a go foe a 2D it’s strangely addictive.

User Rating: 6.7 | Jazz Jackrabbit 2 PC
At first glance this game seem to be a dud. It reminded me of an old Vick20 Game I use to have.
But when you start to play you find that it is so much more, the game play is huge and but with the ability to design your own levels the possibility for friends to interact and design levels for each other make the game play even bigger.
The major draw back of the game is that the levels are easy to remember, where everything is.
There are also secret hidey holds to find jewels, lives, power ups and the such, but to be honest there is nothing new in this that really separate it from other platformers.
But saying that I found that I came back to it time and time again.
The game is good but not worth £29.99 in my opinion. Where you can get an all action 3der for that money, but it is fun especially playing with other and a very short learning curve. This one is not top of my list, but I do have a small soft spot for it as it made me chuckle a few times.