Better graphics, smooth controls - this beats Sonic easily. With a gun.

User Rating: 9.3 | Jazz Jackrabbit 2 PC
Wanna copy of Jazz 2? Sorry, it is in Germany where I play this game. I had a surpise when Jazz 2 was installed. Sure, Jazz Jackrabbit was a speedy game, and defently better than Sonic - but the graphics are digital. These graphics, in this game, are better then the last - more '3D-ish', even if this is a 2d game.

Huh? A red rabbit? Who is he? Well, his name is called 'Spaz', a silly rabbit, that makes this game funny. HELL FUNNY! Jazz can now talk better. When you are waiting, an Jazz stays still, he might say "Hey? Hey! C'mon, whats up?" And Spax just shoots a UFO.

Jazz2 is the best side-scrolling game ever. Download the Demo, then purchase online - it is better than Sonic 3. It ain't 8-bit, ya know.