I always wanted a game that let's you control a shark!

User Rating: 7 | Jaws Unleashed PS2
To tell you the truth, I never saw any of the Jaws films. But the instant I saw this game in stores, I thought, "A game where you control a shark? Sounds interesting." I just forgot that it was based on a movie and just focused on controling Jaws and killing things!

So the game is apparently based on the movie, and you can control Jaws. There are not a lot of fighting techniques, but the main one, biting, is also the best one. You can swim up to a human or sea animal and grab it in your jaws, and shake them about until they come apart! There is a lot of blood and gore in this game, so if parents plan to surprise their young teenager or even a child with this game, they should be warned. A LOT OF BLOOD AND GORE.

In this game, there are so many sea creatures to eat, ranging from a tiny lobster to a gigantic blue whale. Animals include sea snakes, crabs, dolphins, jellyfish, orca whales, and octopuses. Some animals can inflict harm to Jaws, such as other sharks and dolphins, so be sure to be ready to attack if they come too close!

The graphics aren't too bad. The environments look good and the animals look good, but humans look terrible. Well, not that terrible, but they don't look that good.

This game is addictive, but can get repeditive at times. Some levels are hard, and it might take you some time to figure out what to do. But once you start getting going, its hard to stop playing.