This game is so.................................................STUPID!

User Rating: 1.3 | Jaws Unleashed PS2
The game plays like Grand Theft Auto except your underwater surrounded by lots of fish animals like sharks and whales with retarded AI that just swim around minding their own business. The humans you kill maybe the only good thing about the game, tearing them apart peace by peace until shut the game off, story mode lame, from destroying boats and killing mad scientist, oh wow!

Horrid, Jaws looks horrible, the water is disgusting, the fish are disgusting! Terrible graphics and textures all around. The humans look like dolls with no texture added to them at all.

The theme song is preety cool to listen too, the voice acting is a massive disgrace to video game voice acting, the humans scream like aliens.

Free roaming gets old quickly, gets so boring afterwards, unless you want to read all about the fish featured in the game.