My review on Jaws Unleashed

User Rating: 9.8 | Jaws Unleashed PS2
Jaws Unleashed is an amazing game. What got me into it was the film. It really captivated me like the game. When I saw the game my greatest dreams had come true. In the game you can do all the things from the film like eat things, eat things some more and the same over and over, but youcan a wide variety of things such as knock down buidings on stilts, blow up power plants and destroy submarines and after the first few missions explore the underwater kingdom you rule. Next to your health and radar, you have a 'hunger meter' which is green and shows how hungry you are, you have to keep eating to keep it full because it drops and if it reaches the bottom it starts taking away your health and that means your starving like a rabid dog without anything to bite. You also have a point system which it gives a certain amount of points if you kill or destroy something. There are two types of points, there are Mayhem points and special points. Special points unlock secrets, movie clips and more. From my oinion its one of the best games I have ever played and seen. By Jawsman a.k.a. Bradley7777