One of the worsest game i have ever played WATCH OUT FOR THIS ****

User Rating: 3 | Jaws Unleashed PC
This is one of the worsest game i have ever played
The camera was so bad so you got seasick. And the story is dorky a shark blowing up boats with missiles! Hello what were they thinking making this stupid game

The graphics are ok The Shark and the Fishes are good looking but the boats and people doesnt look so good. The sound is very bad with a new Jaws song thats looping over and over again And the voices are really bad to and why doesnt the people move there mouth when they are talking ??

The worst thing about the game is the Camera and the Gameplay its sucks big time. I dont think you can do any worser gameplay or camera. it gets really annoying when youhave died 100000 times because the camera dont follow correcttly

The value of the game is ok for they who can make it so far. The story is about 4-5 hours and then there is a lot of sidechallanges and they are not fun. The game is not fun and they who think so must have been hit by something hard !! Just kidding but this game is at the back and far far away in my collection

+ The graphics especially the Shark and the fishes
- Everything else esecially the Camera and The Gameplay

Graphics 6
Sound 2
Gameplay 1
Value 3
Tilt 2