HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this sucks

User Rating: 1.5 | Jaws Unleashed PS2
ugh i cant belive i ever bought this pile of s**t!! i was lookin forward 2 it cause of all the blood and the thought of bein Jaws seemed awesome but wow was i wrong i ignored the bad reviews and bought it for $20 at gamestop WORST MISTAKE OF MY FRIGGIN LIFE!!!!!!

Lots of blood!
the seaworld level
the name of the game
stress reliever
jaws theme
easy 2 throw away

and now

fun for like 5 minutes
missons smattered together
horrible graphics
upgrading abilties was stupid
everyone looked the same
cant eat the ppl on the beach trust me i tryed many times
like no music except for the main theme
missons way too hard and no explaination 2 help u
its existence!!!!!!!!

so all in all this is the one of the worst games ever even E.T is probably better DONT EVER BUY, TALK ABOUT,OR EVEN THINK ABOUT THIS GAME ITS MORE DEADLY THAN THE TAILS DOLL CURSE!!!!