Possibly one of the worst games I have ever played.

User Rating: 4 | James Cameron's Avatar: The Game (Canadian) PC
Avatar the game is just as bad as it is broken. From the horrible fighting system to the awkward flying this game does not even deserve to bear the name "Avatar the game".

First I'll talk about the over all look of the game. While the environment is stunningly beautiful, it is apparent that no such beauty went into making the characters. The characters that you get to pick from all look the same, either square jawed males or average looking females.
The graphics of this game are slightly below par with most current games (bfbc2, MW2, ME2), but as we all know graphics are not everything. Animations aren't great either, as they are slightly over exaggerated.

Combat in this game involves doing annoying little jumps all over the screen, shooting and hitting enemies, and using some dumb skills. While melee kills do provide a bit more satisfaction than using guns, it all disappears when you find out that enemies don't even have ragdolls, they just evaporate into little blue stars once they fall back a bit.

The story is lame, it seems almost slapped on after the game had been made (which sounds impossible but believe me, that's how it feels).The only good thing about it is being able to choose between the humans and the na'vi

Flying is terrible, as you soon find out that the skybox is shockingly low. Your banshee seems to get caught on every corner and wall that you get near and landing can be awkward.

All in all this game one of the worst games I have ever played, I give it a 4/10 based solely on the fact that it has a rich and stunning environment, if not for that it would get a 1.