Mediocre. Another fallen dream.

User Rating: 5 | James Cameron's Avatar: The Game X360
This game is so mediocre that it makes me cry. I was very enthusiastic about it but it´s just smoke. It´s worth nothing. I´ve got the same sensation as Far Cry 2. They sold us this kind of games as the next revolutions in its format that when you realize the game is so poor it breaks your heart in pieces.
Why? Because it´s absolutely linear (Yes you can choose between two story lines, but the game works linearly for both). Also modelling and texturing have anything to do with how games have to look nowadays. This kind of products MUST look as the media promises.
But the worst part is that it is very BOOOORING and it look´s that the developers haven´t spent many time solving this huge issue.
Too bad for Ubisot, one of the supposed big ones of the industry.