While not a groundbreaking game, it does what it does and does it well.

User Rating: 7.5 | James Cameron's Avatar: The Game (Canadian) PC
Okay...so there is another review here from me. This time its a game tie in to one of the most eagerly anticipated films of all time. And that in itself has put peoples expectations above and beyone what anyone could deliver. As such, its getting bad reviews when it does not deserve them. Gamespots review of the game is particularly biased in my opinion and should be completely disregarded. What I will do now is do a review of the game from my standpoint and hope that it will help you.

The Graphics:

We will start with the obvious one first, the graphics. Alot of time and effort has gone into the look and feel of this game. They have even had access to the models that they have used in the Movie...so you know that they look fantastic...and they do. The world of Pandora is lush and thick jungle and is wonderful to look at and explore. The night time is particularly stunning as nearly every plant and animal in the game/movie has some sort of bio-luminessence.

As far as the 3D is concerned, I havent been able to test that aspect of the game out as I lack the hardware to do so. But, from what I have read from various reviews around the internet, this is something to behold. Bullets wizzing past your head, ducking under leaves as your character wanders through the jungle. I cant wait to get a monitor to see this full effect in action.

The Sound:

The sound is for the most part believeable. The ambience of the jungles you walk through is particularly well done, making the whole of the jungle seem to come alive. Weapon noises and vehicles are nothing to write home about but do the job very well. The only real gripe is that some of the voice acting is rather stilted and underwhelming, but its not the worst I have come across by a long shot.

The Gameplay:

This is the one that the reviewers seem to be latching onto as its biggest downfall and that I feel is completely unfair and biased. While its not doing anything particularly new, its doing them well. Gameplay ISNT as repatative as critics are making out. Sure there are alot of go there and do this missions...but there are in most ever game out there, they are just coated up differently.

Now, the game isnt open ended, but, it does allow you to travel to various locations of your choosing on the planet via a planetary map. Each of these areas is then a playground for you to work in. Doing missions, side quests etc. As you complete these, you gain XP and level up, unlocking more equipment and skills for your character. Each of these areas is large enough that it will take a hour or more each to complete just the main quest in the area.

The big feature of this game is that you have to choose at somepoint what side you want to be on. You can choose to side with the elitist RDA or the Native Na'Vi. Whichever you pick, you will be treated to a different game experience. The RDA side of the game will see you helping the humans to pillage the planet of a rare material where as the Na'Vi side will see you defending the planet against the RDA. Who will you choose?

The Controls:

While the controls are okay for the game, until you get used to them, they can seem a little awkwards and clunky. This is especially the case with the RDA vehicles that can be just plain impossible to control with any deal of skill. They are jerky, some move insanely fast while others are slow to respond. But this isnt a huge issue really. Would have prefered to see a more Halo-like control for the vehicles...but you cant have everything.

The Verdict:

This is probably one of the best Video game/Movie tie in's that is out there at the moment. While it doesnt bring much if anything new to the table, what it does do, it does well. The graphics are stunning, especially on DX10 and with 3D switched on. The only real issue is that it can lag on lower spec machines.

This is a great game and you will loose yourself for many hours in it. At the moment, there isnt much in the way of multiplayer, but that should change given time. In short, dont let the biased reviews of the critics put you off. Get it, play it and have some fun.