This is a game easy at first sight but when you are in the game it catchs you and it don't let you have a break...

User Rating: 8.7 | James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing XBOX
Like the rank says this is a good game, a little bit complicated because of the missions but its very enjoyable. It has realistic graphics, good sound, the intelligence of the characters are a bit slow but at the moment fo real fight it is hard to defeat all with one shot, it's a game that you have to make a plan or think about a strategy. The story line is quite predictable as almost everybody has seen a movie with agent 007 so it won't be hard to know what you have to do next. The places that it's developed the story are the good ones of the game, there are many spaces and corners where you can hide and take a little break before you join the battle again. The veichles that you drive are awesome, the aston martin, the motorcycle and the enemy veichles are a decent obstacle to have fun during the game. It worth to play it. Now in multiplayer game I found it more complicated because of the objectives and conditions that they require from you.