ive sayed it before and i will say it again almost as good as goldeneye.

User Rating: 9 | James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire GC
agent under fire is definitely a great james bond game as are most of the others. while the game is not based on any movie it still has a pretty good story.the story is pretty basic another evil genius is trying to take over the world and you have to save it.the single player is fun and has a few driving missions and you have ever played a james bond game you know that is the highlight of all the missions. the other missions are okay but very simple in what you have to do and there is only a few objectives in each mission which makes the missions pretty short. the multiplayer however is the highlight of the game with at least 4 different modes to choose from and 10 maps but most of the maps are pretty small and can be very confusing at times. the weapons are fun to use and sound really good there is about 15 weapons to choose from in the multiplayer mode and 20 in single player. so if you want this game and dont care for a long lasting campaign buy it for the multiplayer.