The characters are rather boring, but interesting enough cases.

User Rating: 7.5 | Jake Hunter: Detective Chronicles DS
It's a dectective game and not a very good one. The characters are rather boring. I don't get into their story much, the cases are interesting enough but not great either. The L trigger button makes Jake take a smoke, which is oddly cool, and sometimes while smoking he will give you advice on what to do next. So far I haven't come across a way to lose.

Art: The art of the people is plain odd looking. The rest of the art like the screny/backdrops are quite lovely nicely drawn.

Gameplay: It's a mostly text-based game. Instering enough cases. The game has about the same game play as the invisgative part of the pheonix wright: ace atouny series and it also has the movies for the begging to show one the crime also in the begging of each PW game you get asked review questions to see if you were paying attention; it does that often in this game but if you get it wrong you just answer again. But you move from place to place by selecting things on a map like in the GBA game Broken Sword.

Mini-game: There also a minihunt for the codewords to unlock bonusfeatures like being able to watching the begging and ending movie clips whenever or just seeing some promotional art. 1337, was cleverly thrown in as one...

Lenght: There are only 3 cases. Not very long maybe like 1 hours at most per case. Shorter than a Pheonix Wright episode, except the frist one in each game. Longer than that.