A game great game with not so great gameplay.

User Rating: 7.5 | Jak X: Combat Racing PS2
I love the Jak games, but even I have to say this game is broken in an area that the previous Jak games are not and thats the gameplay, but I will get to that later in the review.

First up is the graphics, this game is very nice to look at. Everything is designed very well, all the character models have very life-like animations and just look very real......well as real as elf type people will look I guess. The opening cinematic definitely let's you see just how much work Naughty Dog put into the game, their is so much detail put into the animations of the chase for Jak.

Next up is the story, for a Jak game it's very shallow. Not much detail here, but it does have a good process for which the story is developed. Too bad it's shallow. The whole purpose of the game is that Krew (the nemsis in Jak II) wants to win the Kras City Combat Racing Championship......yet he's dead......so what does he do you might ask? He sends out invitations to the reading of his will........guess who he invites? Yep Jak and the gang, Sig isn't doesn't go, but he shows up later......cuz he's not stupid. Well Jak and the gang get to the room where Krew's daughter (yeah he had a daughter, she's not fat, nasty, smelly or anything.......how could she be Krew's daughter? Don't know, Daxter is interested), anyway she activates a hologram that displays Krew and he wants them to drink to his passing........and they drink to his passing.......guess what the drinks were poisoned......shocking right.....yeah I know. Anyway that's pretty much where the story starts from. Oh Jak and the gang can only get the antidote if one of they win the Kras City Combat Racing Championship.........alot of never before things are happening here aren't there........(if people aren't picking up on the sarcasm then that sucks for you)

Anyway, on to gameplay.....a very dreaded place where the game completely falls apart. The first few races are easy, but once you complete those first few races the game turns on the player. The vehicles don't do what you want (or tell them too.....trust me yelling at your vehicle for doing a 180 while driving on a straightaway doesn't do any good), it's stuff like that, that really ruin any chance of the game being even remotely good. I couldn't believe Naughty Dog worked on this game after I started playing, the only reason I wanted to complete the game was because it was a Jak game (even though it didn't come close to the quality of the previous Jak games). I just had to finish the game, I just had to.

Anyway, I would give this game a 7.7, but since that's not possible here anymore I have to give it a 7.5, cuz this game doesn't deserve to be in the 8's.