I'm goin' win, I'm goin' *BOOM* That is the magical of Jak X.

User Rating: 9 | Jak X: Combat Racing PS2
This game brings home three well loved things, racing, weapons, and destruction. This game has great multiplayer, a nice story, and a good customizable feature. First the story, it is nice. The game keeps the pressure on you and gives you cooler parts and harder tracks as the story progresses. The story is nicely plotted and gives you some twists here and there, but nothig real stunning and suprising. The customizable feature for every car is pretty neat, there are some neat parts to add to your ride and you can also give it a semi-custom paint job. I prefer black with red stripes myself. The story keeps you intranced and wanting more because, there is nothing more thrilling than fly down a track while dodging machine gun fire, or grenades, or rockets! There are a ton of hazards in the races, all of which can easily be life threating to you. There are many different modes from racing to treasue collecting to arena battles to hunting. There is some fun for almost everyone. The multiplayer really makes it come through and shows it's true use. There is nothing like seeing your friend blow up seconds from the finish line in slow-mo then speeding past them to win. It gives you a feeling of lol in there face. The only problem I have with this game is that it takes alot of memory to make a file and also, the screen will go black and stay that way for awhile after the loading, or it won't come back at all so you will have to turn off your game. The odd part is that this only happened after cut scenes. Well, this is a great game for any racing fan or someone who likes a little mayhem here and there.