Art and music cannot redeem atrocious design decisions

User Rating: 3 | Jack Orlando: A Cinematic Adventure PC

Art and animations are nice, and the soundtrack is really well done. And that's all the good about the game.

The interface is somewhat bad, but par for the course when speaking about 1990s adventure games. In particular, it makes an incredible chore if you are going to try to brute force some puzzles, since you need to press F1 to open your inventory, then click arrows to go up and down your HUGE inventory, then select the item you want to use, press F1 again to leave inventory, click on scenery to see if it works (a few times, because the pointer becomes a huge box and you do not know exactly what you are interacting with) -- now repeat for each of the few dozen items you accumulate through the game.

And brute force puzzles you must, because some of them have no logic whatsoever, not even after you read a guide. For example, at a certain point you must give a newspaper to a bellboy in a hotel. Nowhere in the conversation with such bellboy anybody mentions a newspaper, so there is absolutely no reason to do so. And the end result is this: once you give this bellboy the newspaper, a chinese vendor you will have to interact with shows up on the other side of the street. No, the bellboy is unrelated to this vendor, it just.... happens in that order.

This is not an isolated example: many items only show up once the game thinks you need them, in places you had been before (and they just were not there). I had to backtrack once to a previous saved game (30 minutes before!) because I did not pick up a seemingly irrelevant item somewhere (a bottle of rum!) and the game wouldn't let me backtrack to pick it up. Near the end of the game, if you get the timing wrong, you die **just by entering a screen** -- and there is no way to get the timing right, since the game does not show you at all where that particular "enemy" is until, well, you enter that darn screen. So you just wait around a little, try to enter; if you die, reload, wait a bit longer and try again. It is that bad.

So, unless you are willing to play the whole thing with a guide, or if you have a strong masochist side, stay away.

But, yes, the animations are nice, and the music is very good.