A strange spin-off of the Shin Megami Tensei series works surprisingly well as an overhead semi-platform game.

User Rating: 8.5 | Jack Bros. no Meiro de Hiihoo! VBOY
The Shin Megami Tensei series consists mainly of JRPGs. This tangential work surrounding the mascots of Atlus. Jack Frost, Jack Lantern, and Jack Skeleton, who is known as Jack the Ripper in the Japanese version, are very different in play style and create great differences in gameplay.
The gameplay itself takes place on platforms that are mazes with traps, enemies, and keys. By defeating enemies and bypassing the traps, the player can collect keys to drop to lower platforms until he/she reaches a boss.
Health is uniquely portrayed as the time remaining in the level. If hit, the timer loses precious seconds. When the clock reaches zero the game is over. This promotes the use of strategy, patience, reflex, and speed.
Jack Bros. is one of the few games that justify the ownership of a virtual boy. With the clever usage of the virtual boy's 3d effects, the systems capabilities were put to good use. If more of the games were like this, then the system may have caught on.