Isles of Derek has a lot of potential in a point and click adventure.

User Rating: 7.5 | Isles of Derek PC
The Good: Amazing point and click adventure that will keep you entertained for hours, best original soundtrack, well thought out story, great characters, fantastic setting, keeps you on the edge of your seat.

The Bad: Incredibly grueling, unstable graphics.

One of the most impressive features of Isles of Derek is the music, the music I absolutely enjoyed because I would be playing the game and hours after I finished playing the game the music would be still playing in my head. There are occasional points in Isles of Derek where you have to do some extensive problem solving to get past a blast door, a vast canyon, ETC, that's the point of the game where you have to brainstorm. The game has a unique setting sometime in the B.C era, kind of like Rome: Total War but earlier in time, a lot earlier. As for what I can say about the graphics in Isles of Derek, 1 word "Horrifying", most of the time you can't tell if you walking on dirt or on water, or what. Isles of Derek is worth buying but have a bible handy.