The guy on the cover isn't you.

User Rating: 7.8 | Iron Storm PC
Forget whether the game makes sense or not, if one was to question whether everything made sense, there would be no games, among other things. You have to give the game credit for exploring WWI warfare, and that's illustrated through many of the trench levels. This is a game for those who love to snipe, a significant amount of this game is spent on figuring who is sniping at you and how to sniper-countersniper. Think of the movie "Enemy at the Gates", and you'll have an idea of how complex some of the sniping scenes occur. The game has a nice plot twist at the end, and it certainly leaves room for a sequel, should the developers pursue it. I played this game on the "Hard" difficulty and didn't find out until midway in the game that you can actually switch to 1st person mode instead of 3rd person. Playing in 3rd person on Hard was frustrating, don't make the same mistake I did unless you love loading your last saved spot over and over again. Enemies get headshots or neckshots almost all the time, and your aim in 3rd person is tricky to control. Mine was almost always off of where I wanted it to be, and somehow my bullets seemed less effective compared to 1st person mode. It's nice how the main character that you play, James, can only carry a certain number of weapons and you can see where everything is placed on his body in 3rd person. Here are some final thoughts. I wouldn't play this again in under the "Hard" setting again, it will take a significant amount of effort. The multiplayer for this game is heavenly. Picture trenches where players can move undetected and church towers where snipers can have a field day. All in all, this is worth every penny from the bargain bin.