User Rating: 4.7 | Iron Storm PC
The first time I played this game, it shipped with a game defect that made it impossible to pass a certain point in the 2nd level. With the refination of the game, this has been eliminated, and thus I can play it. The game is a straight-forward shooter, with tricky tactical elements involved. The gameplay quickly becomes repeatative and boring. The story, which is supposed to be a big part of the game, is not very well done. Basic, topical elements are covered, and then the game just drops you off with little knowledge of the world around you. The things the game does bother to explain are not explained very well, and just leave you frustrated that the attempt to tell the story was even made at all. It has a moderate difficulty level (on the lowest setting) and easily frustrates with it's odd mission objectives that you are left to figure out on your own. All in all, I would recommend this game only if you are extremely bored and short on cash (I got it the second time for only 10 dollars at Wal-Mart - the first time I bought it, it had errors, as mentioned above).