Iron Phoenix is not anywhere close to being a 4.1! a rating from someone who doesnt have LIVE.

User Rating: 8 | Iron Phoenix XBOX
Iron Phoenix is the first 3d fighter to challenge 16 players into a online brawl with weapon base combat. When everyone first heard about this title people were so excited. Everyone was talking and was a extreamly hyped game. The game came out a few years ago and got bad reviews. But for some of the people who know me I never listen to any reviews that anyone says. The only review I can trust is my own. So I picked up Iron phoenix 3 days ago. I was so exicted to play this game, because Im a huge fan of wire-fu action and kick ass combat. So I got home, inserted the disc, and I see this cinimatic introduction which looks like, and give the story that kind of legend that just came out of an old chinese book. It goes to the loa screen and I press start. Once I load the main game screen I see that theres no story mode but only a little training mode which gives you a taste of what the story mode would be like , and im telling you if there was a story mode the game wouldnt get bad ratings. I ignore the fact and play the training mode first. The controls do take time to get used to. They can get confusing at times and should have been much easyier for a game like this. The graphics are overall great although i did notice of few walk through walls at times. Then I get done with the training mode and load the actuall multiplayer. Now I DO NOT have live so for people who dont have live and want this game dont stop reading. The offline is very fun but I wish that there was some other way for 2 people to play other than just one person. The weapons are fun to use and so is the extreamly fun combat. If you are the person who likes big jumps and chinese people who can glide in the air. Youll like this game. The pne thing that I dont like about this game is the fact that there are no unlockables, and not a single glipes of a involving stoy mode. al thought there is a story , the game doesnt really have anything to do with it.

Overall this game is a Great game and YOU DONT NEED LIVE TO ENJOY IT!. If you like great graphic games with amazing wire-fu moves with a great combat . You need to pick up Iron Phoenix. Youll be able to find it for less than 25 dollars.