User Rating: 10 | Inuyasha: Ougi Ranbu PS2
OH MY GOD! I freikken LOVE this game! I love just playing InuYasha and Kagome and whipping Kikyou's sorry ass, this is the BEST GAME IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD! The second I got it I squealed with joy and played for hours straight, no drink but Sunkist. Mm, Sunkist. Anyway, It is SO much better than the others and I can't imagine bashing it. *faints*

Ok, I'm good, I'm good. I gave a perfect acore to this game because it is REVOLUTIONARY! Really, just, just, the best game I have ever played. I just love shooting at Kikyou with Kagome, and I just think, I just think, that if I was Kagome there, I would say, "Hey crappy ass bellflower, who's the tough Miko, NOW!" And just as I do that, I'm yelling that at the screen, you hear me, YELLING AT THE SCREEN. People stare alright, but it's SO worth it!