The game has good graphics but gameplay is a disappointment i had high hopes for this game dont even rent it dont waste

User Rating: 4.3 | Inuyasha: Ougi Ranbu PS2
The game has good graphics but gameplay is a disappointment i had high hopes for this game dont even rent it .I gave up star wars battlefront,ratchet and clank 3, rathet and clank 1, and 7 other games to trade in for this horid and i regret it so dont waste the money renting it.if you like real fight games play tekken,dead or alive,or budokia.Its story mode is'nt at all like the great show its from. So my verdict is to skip this game andtrust me about it.becaus you do not want waste $40.All of bandias products have been awast. Not even the one that are popular so if see a banner saying how great inuyash feudle combat is and im the shows biggist fan