A good inuyasha game beter then curse mask hower there a few Disappointment in game .

User Rating: 6.7 | Inuyasha: Ougi Ranbu PS2
The Good: Nice cel-shaded graphics; consistent feudal japanese look and feel.
The Bad: Overly simple combat system; short single-player story mode; lack of four-player support , The game freeze up wend to many suff go on , A weak story line.

Any fan of Inuyasha should at least take a look at this fighting game from BANDAI. I guarentee that no one will leave dissappointed. Anyone else on the other hand is another story. This game in my opinion, is 1,000% better than Dragonball Z Budokai 1 & 2 ever was. Inuyasha is the more superior anime, and much better games. The fact that you can mix and match your favorite Inuyasha stars from Inuyasha all the way to the unknown (to me) Bankotsu, in extremely fast 1v1, 2v1, 1v2, or 2v2 action where there are NO TAGGING! Your partner is controlled by the CPU and you can set the formation to get your partner to do numorous things.


The graphics are cel shards they are nice well done they look like such like the show

Not bad sound


The gameplay kiddin like Tekken & Soul cabir but the 4 player idea was a bad idea as well it would beeen beter if you can switch it or trun it off .The possibilities are endless and you can even do dual Super Moves, like the Backlash Wave/Sacred Arrow combo using Inuyasha & Kagome. Three buttons do your attacks. One for quick attacks, one for stronger, but slower attacks, and the best to me, one for SUPER MOVES, meaning you don't have to do some complex maneuver with the Control Stick like in Capcom vs. SNK or any SNK Fighting game. Hower the game can freeze up wend to many suff is going on & the figthing game play can get old fast .

Replay value:

There may not be enough modes to keep you happy, but Mission Mode will definetely keep you busy for while with up to fifty saves for a character and a partner of your choosing that you can work with, then you can use them in Battle Mode which is like VS. Mode from A Feudal Fairy Tale. But you can beat it in a copule hours or so .

Anime and fighting game fans might want to rent this game, but die-hard Inuyasha fans (Like myself) must get this game to add to your Inuyasha collection. But it worth a renting if you like then buy it .